Rope Leash Lifetime Warranty

The Days - Order #006

order no #006 November 2019


4 x yellow 4ft lead - £48

4 x red 4ft lead - £48

2 x blue 4ft lead - £24

4 x black 4ft lead - £48

4 x purple 4ft lead - £48 

2 x green collar (small) - £12

2 x green collar (medium) - £13 

2 x yellow collar  (small) - £12

3 x red collar (small) - £18

4 x red collar (medium) - £26 

2 x blue collar (small) £12

2 x blue collar (medium) £13

4 x black collar (small) £24

4 x black collar (medium) £26

4 x purple collar (small) £24

4 x purple collar (medium) £26 


<<plus £40.00 postage and packing>>

parcel also includes sample of upcoming harness and logo bunting/stickers for The Days/The Play events and customers.